Sarah and JC's #PitchWars 2018 Wish List
Hi, Pitch Wars hopefuls, and welcome to team Hedgehog Heroes, powered by authors JC Davis and Sarah Cannon!
We've mentored separately before, but if we're being honest we have to admit we always fight over the same subs, so this year, Sarah's the Dipper to JC's Mabel...or maybe JC would argue it's the other way around!
That's right, we're secretly twins!
BUT, if you sub to us, you'll get two mentors for the price of one! We've split our wish list into two posts. This is our intro, which we'll keep short and sweet. Then, head to JC's blog so you can peer inside our craniums and find out what blows our hair back.
JC is into all things nerdy and is an unrepentant book addict (seriously, an intervention might be needed.) She writes all areas of kidlit from Picture Books to Middle Grade to YA and her debut novel, a YA Contemporary called CHEESUS WAS HERE, was published in April 2017 by Sky Pony Press. (Sarah says: this book is such witty, goodhearted fun! If you haven't read it, do!)
JC's currently hard at work on a Middle Grade novel that refuses to just write itself. She is represented by Mandy Hubbard of Emerald City Lit. While JC entered Pitch Wars back in 2014 she didn't make the cut and pretty much thought her life was over. However, she picked herself up, kept polishing her novel with the help of writer friends from the kidlit community, and eventually landed her agent by cold querying and being plucked from the slush pile. This will be JC's third year mentoring Middle Grade for Pitch Wars.
Sarah writes creepy middle grade fantasy. She's a 2014 Pitch Wars alum, and that manuscript, ODDITY, was published last November by Feiwel and Friends/Macmillan. Her second book, TWIST, will be out in January 2019. Sarah's repped by Brooks Sherman of Janklow & Nesbit, and this is her third year mentoring middle grade in Pitch Wars.
Sarah's known for middle grade voice and complex, original worldbuilding. Other elements she's got an eye for include setting as character and nuanced family dynamics. She's very experienced with show vs. tell-- and how to navigate it when you're writing a really weird or unfamiliar world.
We're a lot of fun, we're huge nerds, and we share love for a wide variety of overlapping genres. In a fun piece of trivia, directly related to our team name-- The Hedgehog Heroes-- both Sarah and JC are proud hedgehog owners! JC frequently posts pictures on Instagram and Twitter of her hedgie, Rose Tyler, perched on various books so that she can combine her book and hedgehog obsessions. Now, ARE YOU READY to find out what we're looking for?
Don't mind us, we'll wait. After you've had a look, make sure you scroll through the widget below to find links to all the other MG mentor teams' wish lists, or head back to the original blog hop post!