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Sarah and JC's #PitchWars 2018 Wish List
Hi, Pitch Wars hopefuls, and welcome to team Hedgehog Heroes, powered by authors JC Davis and Sarah Cannon! We've mentored separately...

Mentor Bio 2016!
Pitch Warriors! What time is it? SHOWTIME! You can tell, because this is basically the only time of year I post on this blog. So, who am...

Query Critique Winners
It’s a…well, TBH, it’s a gloomy and humid Monday morning around these parts, but let’s pretend it’s more like this: In keeping with such...

Suffering From Query Flails?
Seriously, querying my first manuscript made me completely insane. My early queries were amazingly awful, so awful that I think back to...

Pitch Wars: Bring On the Shenanigans!
Welcome, Pitch Wars hopeful! I’m Sarah Cannon, and I’m so glad you’re here. Let me tell you more about who you’re dealing with: at heart,...

Why I Wrote Oddity
Some of the Pitch Wars mentees suggested a round of posts about why we wrote the manuscripts we’re pitching. So, why did I write my MG...

Sarah Cannon: Pitch Wars Mentee Bio
EDIT: This post now comes with added Blog Hop action! Check out Dannie Morin’s Left to Write blog for links to other Pitch Wars Contender...
Writing Process Blog Hop
So, waaaay back on June 12, Sarah Prineas tagged me to participate in a blog hop about writing process. Most of the troubles of life...
Singing Jaye's Praises
I am overdue for a love letter to Jaye Robin Brown. Readers, I just plain lucked out. No two ways about it. If you’re reading this blog...
I’ve been resisting starting a writer blog for some time. This is not because I’ve never blogged before. Rather, it’s because I have. I’m...
Blog: Blog
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